
Happy Holidays!!

Well, another Christmas has come and gone. This one was just really awesome. It was our first Christmas as a married couple, we got to spend time with family and there were no siblings disputes lol - all in all, a great holiday. :)

We went to my sister's home last night and had Christmas with my side of the family. We have three lil neices who are all within about one year of each other in age (between 18 months and almost 3 years) and they were just hilarious. Made my year, right there. The youngest one doesn't speak. She can, but she just nods and gestures to get her point across. The oldest one doesn't ever stop speaking, so that could be why Zoey (youngest one) doesn't speak at all - can't get a word in edgewise. They were all psychotic and running around. Kept us all laughing for a good three hours.

After that we went over to my folks house and hung out for a few hours. I really enjoy when we get to hang out and catch up with my family. There are many times throughout the year in which I feel as if I am missing out on things with my family too much, so it is always great to me to get to see them for a whole day and just spend some good, quality time with them.

The weather has not been what I would call fabulous, but I did have my white Christmas as I wanted to :) Lots and lots of rain, almost flooding, but then it would start to snow again, and the "white" Christmas happened off and on for the past two days, shich made me content :)

I think that Kirk had a good time too. We had a really good time with his family this evening. His Mom got each of us a Marshmallow Shooter. There was an all our war with marshmallows flying in each and every direction, but it was so much fun to just play and not really realize that we were all acting like children. I now understand why she says that it is a good thing to give toys as presents to adults - makes you remember what it is like to be a child again.

So, to everyone out there with just a little bit of child still left in them - Wishing you a wonderful, fun, safe and fabulous holiday full of joy and love.


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